Finance Committee
Our 2022 Annual Appeal
We ask for your financial support for the activities of Morningside Monthly Meeting. Our annual appeal this year begins on a note of hope: after spending two years in largely virtual activity, we look forward to reengaging in person. We are restarting our free get-to-know-you breakfasts in the Riverside Café before meeting. We are hoping to bring children back into meeting and hiring a childcare/educator, and we are hoping to hold an in-person retreat this fall. All of these will increase our budget to pre- pandemic levels.
In addition, Morningside supports the work of the Peace and Social Concerns committee in contributing funds to organizations whose work helps implement our testimonies of peace, equality and justice. We also contribute to support New York Yearly Meeting, and fund the work of the Morningside Relief Committee (formerly the Small Committee) providing funds and scholarships to our members in need.
We ask that you contribute what you can to support the work and joy of our meeting. Donations can be made by checks made out to Morningside Monthly Meeting, which should be mailed to:
Morningside Monthly Meeting<br/> c/o New York Quarterly Meeting<br/> 15 Rutherford Place, New York, NY 10003<br/>
You can also donate with PayPal directly from our website. Please note, you can use your credit or debit card and don’t need a PayPal account to donate. You can also choose to make a recurring donation.
In Friendship,
Morningside Monthly Meeting Finance Committee